Tuesday, April 14, 2015


March 11, 2015 

IMAGE SOURCE: popsci.com
IMAGE SOURCE: popsci.com
By Anita Stewart for Challenging the Rhetoric and Wise Women Media
Florida can be the land of transients, liars, drifters, grifters and thieves. It is most known for the senior citizens, medical care, tourists, Disney World, beaches, boating, seafood, tourism (the state’s largest industry) and the craziest and most bizarre news stories.
We have a climate science denier as our Governor. Even though the scientific projections speak loudly and plainly about what is already happening to our coastlines here, the Governor thinks that if he bans the terms “climate change” and “global warming” from all official communications, what is really happening to our state will all go away or be forgotten just like magic.
Gov Scott Intertubing
IMAGE SOURCE: Green Slime from Nitrogen Fertilizers–a Billboard created by Florida voters.
Florid-DUH, The Land Of The Disappearing Coastlines
Water has always been a big issue in Florida. During the last election Floridians voted for the Florida Water and Land Legacy, Amendment 1. Floridians have been vocal about the condition of the lakes, springs and rivers here in addition to our coastlines. Little help has come from Tallahassee so far and voters have organized a declaration and a statewide coalition.
If all of the ice on this planet melted, much of the state of Florida would be underwater. Miami Beach is already sinking as the water is rising and backing up on the beaches, through the sewers and flooding garages, residences and places of business. People have paid out for salt water damage to their cars while parked on the streets or in parking garages during heavy inundations.
Not just Miami is affected. Check out water skiing on the residential roads on Clearwater Beach after Tropical Storm Debbie: CLICK HERE.
The Florida voters continue to fight for climate science recognition by the s-elected leaders.
IMAGE SOURCE: Kris Partridge
IMAGE SOURCE: Kris Partridge
Dr. Vandana Shiva Visits Eckerd College To Talk About The Earth
On the same day the Governor’s “denial statements” hit the corporate media, Dr. Vandana Shiva, the renowned scholar, author, environmentalist, activist against Globalism and advocate for Food Sovereignty and no GMO’s arrived at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida to promote her latest book, Making Peace with the Earth. She spoke on the use of Monsanto’s Roundup, the ingredient Glyphosate and the associated autism rates, clean and green farming and agricultural practices, the science of GMO food and why we need to eat non-GMO food, healthy soil, dying bees, butterflies and so much more.
As an author of more than 20 written works, called one of the seven most powerful feminist women on the planet by Forbes and an authoritative speaker, she wowed the crowd. The attendees were not without their climate science deniers who surfaced with questions and rhetoric during the Q&A session. She had plenty of ammunition to rebut their statements. To the last querent who asked if evolution would catch up to the effects of climate change, Dr. Shiva responded with; “I think that’s the wrong question…this planet is Gaia because of her evolutionary adaptive capacity. The only question to ask is will human beings be around in that adaptive context.
IMAGE SOURCE: Anita Stewart
IMAGE SOURCE: Anita Stewart
***Dr. Vandana Shiva‘s complete presentation from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida on March 9th, 2015 is available on video: CLICK HERE.
***This story was updated and edited on March 13, 2015.

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